When I have these mid-weekends, I usually spend some time on the computer to dawdle, catch up with friends and figure out what I am going to do with my time off. I know there is the never ending list of housework and yard work and other chores. There is also the the constant studying required for my job. The gym calls me and so does a nice trip to the day spa. There are countless errands and little craft-like projects. Oh, and home projects. Sometimes the longer I sit, the longer the list gets and I get so overwhelmed, I become a couch potato and watch taped episodes of 'scrubs' or something.
Sometimes I ponder about putting together a master list of all my projects and another list of all chores and try to schedule them so there will be order to my days off and they won't be wasted. Then, I think that is way too anal and I should just focus on chores. Hard labor is always good for the waist line and the house looks better. I also then think, I really need to learn how to relax.
Hmmm, what to do, what to do??
Oh, thank you cards from the birthday party and uploading of photos. Means I can sit here on the computer a little longer and see if anyone IM's me to chat. 

Speaking of photos, took this one of a tiger the other day, just before he tried to spray us. Thank goodness for the chain link fence. I think he was hungry.
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