My goodness, I have read a lot of books this month. I finished 'A Dragonfly in Amber' by
Galbadon and 'Casino
Royale' by Fleming. I also finished 'Twilight' by Stephenie Meyers. All three were so different in story and style it was like going from hard, to somewhat complicated to way easy. I am debating my next book. I am being told I should finish the rest of the 'Twilight' series, but I am trying out a book club and they are meeting in December to discuss 'Painter from Shanghai' by Epstein. I also have the other books in the
Galbadon series and I have 'Live and Let Die' from the Fleming collection, plus a stack of miscellaneous books that I picked up at the used book store sale. AND.... I am taking a class on
CCRN certification so I should be studying for that exam as well.
As for 'A Dragonfly in Amber,' I enjoyed it but it was much more dense on the political plot twists as the characters ended up in the France with the French court. I enjoyed it, but it was a harder read than the first book and not quite as thrilling for me. 'Casino
Royale' had a slow start for me as the writing style was so different I was put off and was reading the same chapter over and over. Once I got into it, I understood why the movies were made and why people love Bond. The book spends too much time explaining how to play baccarat so I kind of skimmed over some of those sections. Overall, it was fun read.
'Twilight.' How can I justify that I read this book? It sucked me in (funny pun considering it is about vampires) and I finished it within days. I enjoyed how the author captured the emotions of the first teenage crush and all the angst about the first kiss. She also does a wonderful job describing the town and surrounding terrain. The dialogue between the vampire boyfriend and the
teen girl, is cheeky and cute too. It is about a teenage girl that falls for a 'good' vampire. These vampires hunt bears, cougars, etc in the mountains. They can be out in the sun. The head of the 'family' is the town's doctor. They go to high school. It's like those old Sweet Valley High novels some of us read in junior high, except the love interest is a vampire and that is a huge secret you can't share with your friends or parents. You can look for the movie coming out in late November. I think they would have been better off with a
tv series or mini-series. We'll see.
I think I may take a reading break and do some crafting and studying instead.