Sunday, June 29, 2008
Feets of Fancy
Saturday, June 28, 2008
That flower on the corner
In other news, I can't sleep. I recorded "Cold Mountain" off the tv and watched that when I got home from work tonight, but the house is empty and too quiet. The family is having a sleepover. Something they often do on the weekends that I work. As for the movie, the book and movie ending were almost exactly the same. The movie changed a few elements, but stayed true to the overall story line. The problem with the movie is that the book was actually more rich in detail than any movie could ever really be. The movie was ok and Renee Zelweigger (how the heck do you spell that anyway) was brilliant. She brought the character of Ruby to life for me. She was spot on. I did not like Jude Law as Inman. He was too pretty for the role. I pictured someone a little more squinty eyed and rugged, none of which would be used to describe Jude Law, ever.
Well, maybe I'll read some work magazines. That should put me to sleep. It is getting late and I have to work tomorrow as well. This is the end of day 1 of my 3-day work week.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I finished "Cold Mountain"
Anywho, some sad things have beening going on work. I almost cried a couple times and the book didn't help. So, I am taking a little break before starting my next book, 'The Mermaid Chair.' As for work, all day Tuesday I just kept saying, " This isn't happening to me. It is happening to them and my job is to do this . . ." This mantra was followed by a couple of deep breaths.
A trip to the gym is in order and some time enjoying the family . . . and maybe a beer . . . or two. Got to savor life while you got a healthy one.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Plum season

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
WHEEEEE!!!! A new swing