First . . . The daughter was so excited about the trip that she actually woke up 4:30am on the day of departure. We flew to D-land so by the time we were lining up at the security gates at D-land it was about 10:30 a.m and she had been up for 6 hours with about only 6 hours of sleep from the night before. For those without kids, this is a recipe for disaster. It was one of the hottest days on record for October in Anaheim and apparently several schools were closed due to Columbus Day. It was hot and it was crowded. She immediately started whining about the heat and standing in line. She eventually started saying she didn't even want to go to D-land. I knew she was whining more because she was hot and tired. We finally get inside the gates and we are standing in the happiest place on Earth and what does my daughter say? "Wendy (from the movie Peter Pan) is not here! I am not happy!" This is punctuated with foot stomping and a healthy pout. I am chuckling and behind me a woman with her husband says, "That's not right. She's in the happiest place." Of course, they were chuckling too.

Second . . . I ask, "Do you want your picture taken with Mickey Mouse? Do you want to meet Mickey?" She says, "No. I don't like Mickey. I only like Pluto." I am surprised we weren't escorted out of the park after that comment.
Third . . . "Mom, can we stay in Disneyland forever?"
Fourth . . . She says after riding Pirates of the Carribean, "I saw Captain Sparrow 5 times and the guy with the octopus face was talking at us with his face on the water. I like Captain Sparrow. "
Fifth . . . "Mom, can you please take my picture with the candy corn. I love candy corn." As do I do, sweetie, as do I.
There were several other moments, but the last one I'll leave you with, "Mom, I want to stay here forever but I miss my daddy and my big dog." Ah, the dilemma of a 4 year old.
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