Some days my job just leaves me without words, not due to exhaustion, but it's sheer ability to amaze me.
I used the word surreal alot and figured I should look it up. One definition I found and I like: "characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtapositions; "a great concourse of phantasmagoric shadows". Umm, that does describe my job fairly well some days and the Dali picture below. 

Sometimes all it takes to fix everything is to close the eyes and take a big breath and let it all out.
Why does my dog constantly bark and attempt to chase squirrels that are running along a telephone wire 30 feet up in the air across our backyard? Does he think he is going to fly there? That the squirrel is dumb enough to think he is a friendly dog and is just saying, "Hi!"?
I discovered sunscreen can expire and if you use expired suncsreen, you will tan or burn, depending on how long you are in the sun.
If you get enough freckles will they all form together to give you one big cohesive tan?
I love coffee. I love jelly bellies. However, the two together are not so good.
I love beer and chocolate and again, not together.
Speaking of which, we need beer in the house. All the beer is gone.
1 comment:
But why is the beer gone?!?! :)
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